Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Transitional Relationships

It's important to keep a network of people who are supportive and who can share and inspire you during a time of transition. I think the first thought you think after a position ends is how do I keep myself busy and how can I stay connected. This is a very natural way of thinking because if you worked outside of the home, you likely had interactions with many different people. It's also likely that you developed friendships with some of these people. It's good to keep in touch and up to date on what the company is up to especially if they might be hiring back when things improve or reorganizing into a different company. It is important however to take some time to think about what just happened and what your plan of action is.

It's good to reach out to family, friends and acquaintenances to let them know your situation. They might have some good advice or know of another position. I have found that a lot of people who are not in your current position will offer any help possible but will not be able to completely relate until and unless they are in a similar situation. This will be true for most of your relationships.

That's why it's good to reach out to different groups such as networking and volunteer opportunities where you can meet people who can offer you advice because they are going through the very same thing. The important thing is to stay focused on what you need to do to secure your next position.

1 comment:

  1. HI Thriving.
    I love your blog, My name is audrog. I am board member for The Women's Financial Group located in Melville, long island. We are a group of nearly 70 women who work and support the financial industry. We have meetings for our membership to network and develop professionally. It appears our group has a lot in common with your mission. http://twfg.org
    Feel free to contact me on twitter, audrog
