Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are You Using Social Media to find or post a job?

Social media is the new buzz word that everyone seems to be using these days. It's basically connecting online.

While a job search today seems to be an employer's market it's as important as ever to research a company to make sure that it's the right fit for you. Social media and online searches are a great way to conduct this research.

Have you reviewed the company's website? Does it give a good impression about the organization? Does it give details about what it's like to work for the company or details about what the company looks for in a candidate? Most companies have the job application right on their website.

Does the company have a Facebook page? You can sign up as a fan and get some insight into the company through Facebook. If you are interested in a company and they don't have current openings if you sign up as a fan you might gain some insight when they do have openings.

It's also a good idea to do a Google search on your own name to see what information is out on the web about you. You can sign up for Google Alerts whether it be on an individual's name, company name, industry or a specific topic. Each day these alerts will be delivered to your inbox.

Linked In is another good resource. You can gain access to people in an organization and reach out to them for feedback about a job or company. You can also gain access by joining groups with access to that company. Connections and feedback are key.

Another good resource is Twitter. Why not follow a person at an organization or the organization itself? What better way to follow a company than through their tweets.

Have you tried Craigslist for your search? It's a good resource that many recruiters as well as companies are using today. It's state specific and there are resources for any other items you might be seeking.

Instead of searching through various job boards have you checked out It's an aggregator that posts job openings from various websites. It makes your job search that much easier.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Choosing A Social Media Vendor

Being in transition, I try to join relevant and interesting webinars. Social media is a particularly popular industry today.

I heard a webinar conducted by Social Media Today and they brought up some good points when considering hiring a social media vendor or agency. They mentioned that the vendor should be an established marketing and communications specialist, truly know the business strategy of the organization as well as the company culture. Being established means credibility and a proven track record. Do they have a good reputation on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In? Do they ask detailed questions about your organization and can they answer detailed questions?

The product or service that you have needs to be a good one and social media can only enhance its greatness. The agency should be cutting edge and keep apprised of what's new.

The client doesn't need a lot of knowledge in social media but should be committed to developing a social media strategy with the agency. Trust is also a big determining factor in the relationship. The client should do some research on their own so that they can educate themselves on what their marketing plans and goals are. For example, will the client take on some social media monitoring or will the agency strictly handle this? You want results and don't want an agency that makes big promises and offers a quick fix.

Agencies need to use the social media tools that they themselves are offering to clients. For example, how are the agencies marketing themselves?

Pricing will depend upon the industry, geographic location and the level of impact. Most often it is based upon a retainer and the project type.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Have You Considered Working for A Nonprofit?

While corporate organizations continue to shed positions, many nonprofits are still hiring. Making the shift from corporate life could be challenging but rewarding.

Here is what you should know about making the move:

If you're at the low to mid level, you could expect a pay cut but senior positions usually pay more competitive salaries closer to what corporate America pays. The money for your budget comes from donations so you might be required to do some fundraising. This might include networking and attending charity events. If you don't have fundraising experience there are many classes and books on this topic.

There might be more job security at a nonprofit as the people who go for these types of positions might also share a common passion or commitment to the cause of the organization.

A good way to get your foot in the door might be to volunteer at a nonprofit. You can get to know the people and culture of the organization and might also gain some valuable experience that could help you make the decision to work for a nonprofit.

There's also a good website that gives a wealth of information on nonprofits to include jobs, volunteer work, programs and events.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How Are You Spending Your Day?

This question comes up during interviews and from various people that you come across each day. Studies show that only a small percentage of your time during a job search should be spent on job boards. It's good to post your resume, keep it current and apply to appropriate positions but it's just as important to get out of your house or apartment to continue staying motivated and to meet new people.

Keeping busy by attending talks, presentations and events that interest you will definitely keep you focused and in good spirits. People tell me all the time how important it is to get out and not just focus on your search. It also doesn't hurt to receive emails and calls from people in your circle offering kind words and encouragement.

When you are working, you definitely have a much more structured environment. I try to create a to do list the evening before to keep me focused and to provide a sense of accomplishment. This habit should ensure a smooth transition back to work when you land your dream job.

Taking classes, online courses or learning a new language is a great use of time and also something that you can share with potential employers on interviews.